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It is great that you found us. Our events are open to everybody as the "Evangelische Erwachsenenbildungswerk Westfalen und Lippe"(the Protestant Lay Training Centre in Westphalia and Lippe) is a recognized educational institution acknowledged by the federal state North Rhine Westphalia
You will find us at 35 places in NRW.
Every year, our 85 pedagogical staff members organize about 6.000 events which are attended by more than 120.000 participants. We have many cooperation-partners and work with expert coaches respectively qualified teachers and professionals.
Our head office is located in Dortmund
We offer seminars in the area of
- (inter-)religious education
- qualification
- political and cultural education
- intercultural competence, migration and diversity
- language and integration courses
- offers in the field of pedagogy and education
- additional vocational training
"We stand for an education strengthening people and promoting justice"! We want this sentence of our Charta to become reality.
You want to know more about us?
Write an e-mail: info@ev-bildung.de
Call us: 0231/5409-10
Or visit us on Facebook
We are looking forward to seeing you
Ev. Erwachsenen- und Familienbildung Westfalen und Lippe e.V.
Haus Landeskirchlicher Dienste
Ev. Erwachsenen- und Familienbildung
Westfalen und Lippe e.V.
Olpe 35
44135 Dortmund
Montag-Donnerstag | 9:00 Uhr - 15:00 Uhr |
Freitag | 9:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr |